Community And Causes We Support

There’s one thing for sure, our family raised us to be giving, grateful, and genuine.

We grew up watching our families be unapologetically supportive to the causes they felt drawn to, and donating to needs around the communities we called home.

While we are haven’t been in business as Smoky Hill Auto very long; the causes we care about deep into our hearts and the nonprofits we support have been important to us for many years.

Nonprofits we have individually supported, volunteered with, or donated to:

American Cancer Society
Big Bones Canine Rescue
Bounce Animal Rescue
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Denver Dumb Friends League
Food Bank of The Rockies
Mile High Canine Rescue
Toys For Tots
Vitalant Blood Donation

The nonprofit group that hits home the most is our local, Debbie Jackson & Darrell Pridemore Memorial Scholarship Foundation (DJDPMSF). This foundation was originally setup by Bunny and Wayne Jackson in memory of their daughter who died at the young age of 24 after a long and courageous battle with cancer.

In November 2016, the foundation expanded to include the Pridemore family who have been an active supporter of the Debbie Jackson & Darrell Pridemore Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament for years. Darrell Pridemore (Our Late Uncle – You will see his wonderful picture on our wall right when you walk into the shop) battled cancer for seven years, sadly passing away in July 2016.

Darrell was a huge part of our prior company Pride Auto Care. Not only one of the founders, but a community legend that made everyone feel welcome, seen, heard & taken care of from all walks of life. He was an interictal part of operations for our family business and ran our busiest and most profitable shop. Not only was he important to the business, but Darrell was also massively important to the Parker/Douglas County community, and he spent every additional dollar he had or free moment of time supporting causes he cared deeply about.

The Pridemore family, including Caitlyn have served on the Board of Directors for DJDPMSF. This foundation helps kids within Douglas County overcome their adversity and achieve their dream of attending their dream college or post-secondary education. These scholarships help students with some of the costs associated with attending such places.

See our website for more details.